Today you’re going to see my favorite personal investing skill you should put into action.

Specifically, I’ll show you how you can make $1,000 in six weeks so you can maximize your return on investment from your personal skills.

I believe you want to make money, right? Yes, you are in the right place.

I don’t believe in “get rich quick scheme” So this isn’t the fastest way to make $1,000 but it is the fastest way to make $1,000 sustainably in a long term business.

I’ll assume you have access to the following:

Step 1. Write down what you are good at.

In order to get someone to pay you money, you have to be able to provide value. Find out something for benefit that someone is willing to pay for.

Ask yourself this, “what can I teach someone that will improve his life?”

You don’t need to be an expert. You just need to know significantly more than the person you’re teaching.

Note: Sometime people like to acquire highly earning skill not because they know nothing.

I don’t know everything about selling online, but I know few of my friends turned their skills into business.

Let you use this trick.

Come up with a list of skills that you are good at and write them down no matter how random they are.

One of my friends makes 4 figures selling summaries of business books online. Another decided to teach a drawing class and now makes 4 figures per week.

Step 2: Find An Audience For Your Skill.

Once you know the skill you want to teach, the next step is to figure out what aspect of your skill other people might pay for.

Ask yourself, “If I was to teach my skill to a specific audience, what benefit would they get out of it?” Using Photoshop as an example,

Learn Photoshop to:

Create marketing post for any online business even for free.

Once you have created a list of benefits, list who might be interested in learning from you. E.g. Amazon sellers need Photoshop to optimize their product pictures. So you just need to search Facebook for Amazon seller communities, you can also engage in twitter.

Step 3: Sign Up For An Email Provider.

Once you have a skill in mind and a group of people you want to target, sign up for an email marketing provider to gather customer information. If you are on a tight budget, then signup for MailChimp which is free for up to 2000 contacts.

Then create a quick and dirty landing page hosted by your email provider.

Step 4: Create a Video Tutorial.

Your tutorial should showcase your skills, establish yourself as an authority, and entice potential customers to sign up for your email list. The simplest and cheapest way to share a video is by hosting it on YouTube, Instagram or Facebook.

Using my Photoshop example,

I’d create a detailed tutorial video on how to place a product on a white background for Amazon sellers and upload it to YouTube. Now there are many ways to record your video tutorial.

If you have a smartphone for example, you can create a smart video tutorial or screen record your laptop while doing the exact thing what someone would understand.

Personally, I use Microsoft expression Encoder 4 and screen recorder for MackBook pro to record all of my screen cast tutorial videos.

Take Away Note: The key here is to mention in your video what people can receive additional free tutorials by signing up for your email list. Link to your email landing page in your YouTube/Facebook video description and display the link at the bottom of your video.

Remember, the goal of this step is to impress the heck out of people watching and have them sign up for your free email list for additional info.

Step 5: Start Posting Your Video In Relevant Facebook Groups.

Once you have your video and landing page ready to go, the next step is to gather email subscribers! Armed with a list of relevant Facebook groups, it’s time to post your tutorial to interested parties.

PRO TIP: Don’t just randomly post your video. Spend a couple of weeks leaving comments, answering questions and adding value to the group. Then, once you have established yourself as a helpful member of the community, you can then post your video tutorial to the group.

Step 6: Create Something You Can Charge Money.

For If you’ve performed step 5 enough times, you should have a decent email list. It doesn’t take a lot of followers to make $1000. All you need are a handful of true fans who are willing to pay you money for your knowledge.

It’s time to create a flagship course that you can sell to your audience.

Using our Photoshop example, I would probably charge around $100 for a full blown tutorial on how to optimize your images for e-commerce with live, step by step instruction and full email support.

Now designing a full blown course can be intimidating. But it’s important to note that you don’t need to have your course completely done before you launch. In fact, you can develop your course on the fly based on customer input.

Step 7: Give a Webinar And Launch Your Class Or Service.

At this point, you have all of the pieces in place.

Take Away Note: The best way to sell your online course is by giving a live webinar. Just like all of the other videos that you have provided up until this point to gather emails, you are simply creating another tutorial with an offer to buy your course at the end.  

Structure it like this:

Here are some average conversion statistics: Average attendance rate is a third of your signups

Average conversion rate of live attendees is between 5-15% Let’s do some math!

To make $1000, you need about 10 sales if you charge $100 per course. If you assume a 10% conversion rate that means you need about 400 people on your email list. I hope you found that useful. If you are serious about starting an online business and making life changing money start now.

They are other ways to make money online including trading financial markets, if you are serious about it click here and get my course.

PRO TIP: If you are serious about earning money in the stock market, invest it today and maintain a long-term mindset.

The point is this,

Start today. Start now.

There will never be that “perfect” time to start in real life, time is now.

Your bank accounts will thank me later.

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